As a Clinical Reflexologist I also specialise in Maternity Reflexology. I trained with the wonderful Jenni Tribe who is part of the well estsblished and very much respected Susanne Enzer School of Maternity Reflexology.

Starting a family is such a special time for a couple but it can also become one of the most worrying and upsetting. As a maternity trained reflexologist I am here to help you right from the beginning of your journey, all the way through pregnancy and the postnatal period.

One of the great strengths of reflexology is that it is a natural therapy. Many of the disharmonies and disorders that may occur during a woman's fertile life respond well to reflexology.

PRECONCEPTION - When you are planning to have a baby it is sensible for both of you to get into good shape, not only physically but mentally and spiritually. Although it is usually the 'mum to be' that considers coming for reflexology, it is also important for your husband/partner to consider treatments too.

You may struggle with your monthly cycles, whether you have PCOS, painful and heavy periods, endometriosis, fibroids or irregular periods, reflexology can help to calm, soothe, reduce pain & inflammation and works wonderfully at regulating cycles.

SUBFERTILITY - If you are struggling to conceive yet there is no physical reason why you shouldn't be able to then the qualities of reflexology are excellent for creating a balanced mind, body and spirit - the best environment for a baby to be conceived.

During my treatments I will let you know when I can feel that ovulation is occuring - a great tool to have instead of ovulation kits!

ASSISTED CONCEPTION - Any method of conceiving other than by sexual intercourse can have a huge emotional impact on a couple. The distress of being unable to conceive naturally and feeling so preoccupied with trying to conceive can become so overwhelming as well as physically exhausting from the IVF programme. The balancing, calming qualities of reflexology help enormously to compliment the medical procedures.

If you are undergoing an IVF programme and you are taking Clomid or some fertility drug then treatments should commence once the course of drugs is completed.

PREGNANCY - Having a baby is a major life transformation and for Mum there are huge changes right from the moment of conception. Under the influence of the hormones of pregnancy and the developing life within, you undergo enormous physical changes.

Reflexology is excellent for maintaining a balance during the rapidly changing balance of pregnancy. As a reflexologist I will balance and harmonise your whole being to optimise your health potential. Many of the minor ailments of pregnancy respond well to reflexology.

LABOUR & BIRTH - Regular reflexology sessions throughout your pregnancy will help keep you in the best condition for whatever kind of birthing you have. Some reflexologists may attend a client's birthing as a support person. Naturally reflexology has a place in a birthing room and many midwives also use reflexology as one of their skills.

POSTNATAL CARE - The birthing period can leave you feeling like you're on 'cloud nine', exhausted, sore and sick, full of disbelief and wonder and many other conflicting and confusing emotions. Reflexology will help to rebalance, harmonise and restore you at this time. Whether it has been a straightforward birth or not, your entire system will appreciate being balanced and back to a normal non-pregnant state.

As a postnatal client I can help restore your general wellbeing, help your body to recover after different types of birthing and I can help to rebalance your major body systems such as your musculoskeletal system, reproductive system, nervous and urinary system to name only a few.

Reflexology may also help with lactation (under or over supply), breast engorgement/mastitis.